Changing driver behaviour for the better

Results at a glance
Fleet size:
600 vans
Fleet goals:
Driver behaviour, reducing emissions
Fuel saving:
Dangerous driving :
98% reduction
CO2 reduction:
843 tonnes

Currys plc is the UK’s largest omnichannel retailer of technology products and services. This requires a sizeable fleet, with Currys drivers carrying out around 8 million deliveries and 800,000 installations every year across the country.
As a nationally recognised business, the fleet plays an important role when it comes to brand reputation, with the behaviour of Currys’ drivers on the road contributing to how the tech brand is perceived by its potential customer base. The way the fleet operates is also pivotal to the company’s net zero ambitions, making effective fleet management an absolute priority for the team.
Both of these factors led Currys to become an early adopter of Lightfoot’s real-time driver coaching technology, with the tech brand first embracing our fleet management solution in 2016. This followed the realisation that retrospective telematics data was ineffectual for creating long-term change in driving behaviour, and a more innovative solution was required.
A lasting transformation

Today, Currys uses Lightfoot’s award-winning fleet management system throughout its fleet of 262 Ford Transits and 410 Iveco Dailys to deliver incredible savings in all areas of its operations.
These savings were first demonstrated through a free trial of our technology, in which the in-cab telematics device was fitted into a selection of vans to produce an accurate comparison of the driving data before and after Lightfoot. First, the device was set up to record the typical standard of driving without any input, and then, once the device was switched live and began providing real-time providing real-time driving feedback, our trial was able to show just how much this improved Currys’ stats.
This included a 10.8% increase in MPG, which equates to annual savings of £416,000 in fuel costs alone across the fleet. Per van, this means Currys is saving nearly £620 each year. And it wasn’t just driver efficiency that improved – safety behind the wheel has also benefitted from the introduction of Lightfoot’s in-cab coaching, with a 98% reduction in riskier styles of driving.
This means that dangerous manoeuvres such as rapidly accelerating, braking harshly, taking corners too quickly, and excessively speeding have all but been eradicated from the Currys fleet, and this has been reflected in the company’s claims data. Currys have seen a 15.8% drop in annual at-fault accidents since using Lightfoot, a fact which they are able to share with brokers and insurers to help build a more accurate risk profile.
The trick to Lightfoot’s long-term success in motivating Currys’ drivers to be safer and steadier on the road lies in our use of gamification, with drivers receiving rewards and recognition through the dedicated Lightfoot driver app when they hit the weekly Elite Driver target. Using our comprehensive fleet management portal, the team at Currys are able to analyse telematics data and build a better picture of their fleet’s performance, as well as drawing on the driving statistics to send out targeted communications that encourage fleet drivers to get involved and enter the weekly prize draws, helping to keep engagement levels high.
A win for the environment

Better driving isn’t just safer and more efficient, it’s greener too. By driving with Lightfoot and following the guidance of the in-cab alerts to modify driving habits, the Currys fleet is reducing carbon emissions in its petrol and diesel vehicles by an impressive 10.8%. Every year, this equates to 843 tonnes of CO2 that is prevented from entering the atmosphere, simply by changing driver behaviour.
As a signatory to the Climate Group’s EV100 initiative, Currys is committed to transitioning 100% of its small van fleet and 50% of its medium to heavy fleet to electric or alternative fuel by 2030, and Lightfoot will help to ensure that the same considered style of driving is carried over into its new green vehicles. In the meantime, Currys is able to use the MPG and emissions data from Lightfoot to contribute to its annual reporting around fleet greenhouse gas emissions and ESG to show what sustainable measures the company already has in place.

Commenting on the positive impact that Lightfoot has had on the Currys fleet, Chris Georgiou, Head of Compliance for Supply Chain and Service Operations, had this to say:
“From the early days of working with Lightfoot, we recognised the huge benefit that real-time driver feedback has to play in changing driving styles for the better. It’s a world apart from using telematics retrospectively and has helped our drivers improve their driving standards, enabling them to become smoother and safer at pace.
“For us, the key is driver engagement. From consumer tech rewards to cash prizes in The Drivers’ Lottery, our drivers see the direct benefit of becoming Elite Drivers; all without the headache of benefits in kind. We also use data from Lightfoot to feed into our Delivery Crew of the Year competition.
“Add to that the fact that a good Lightfoot driving record can help reduce private vehicle insurance premiums, and it’s easy to see why so many of our team are using the app, helping them to become better, more mindful drivers on the road.”

fuel saving

98% reduction
in dangerous driving

843 tonne
CO2 reduction
Results that matter
As a long-time customer of Lightfoot, Currys has seen the game-changing impact that our fleet management solution has had on its drivers. Over the years, we’ve saved the business hundreds of thousands of pounds in fuel, improved road safety, and contributed to its decarbonisation strategy, and in the years to come we look forward to helping Currys deliver a low carbon fleet that’s fit for the future.
If you’re looking for an advanced fleet management solution that will help you reduce emissions, cut fleet fuel costs, improve road safety, and motivate and reward your drivers, then look no further.
Lightfoot can help you revolutionise your fleet for long-term, sustainable success. Make an enquiry or call us on 01392 340419 to find out more.
Ready to take your fleet to the next level?
Book your free Lightfoot trial today – no cost, no commitment, just a chance to experience the Lightfoot difference for yourself.