
Sustainability is made up of #SmallChanges

Making small changes can make a big difference when it comes to sustainability

Sustainability is on everyone’s agenda.

The reality of climate breakdown is unavoidable. It’s everywhere in the news and the pressure is building on governments, businesses, and individuals to live and act with more sustainability.

You might think that individuals cannot make a difference, but we all have to make an effort if we want to conserve the living world as we know it.

The majority of us know this, as well. In March 2019, we commissioned independent research that found 76% of people are either somewhat or very concerned about their carbon footprint. 84% of us consider the impact our purchases and lifestyles have on the planet.

Sustainability can be easier said than done, though. With a problem so enormous (and often so intangible) as climate breakdown, it can feel impossible to know where to start. When you do begin researching, you can end up with more questions than when you started.

You’re not alone if, after looking at the extremes people go to, you’ve felt overwhelmed by trying to be kinder to the planet. You can be stumped by sustainability before you even get started.

This is why we’ve come up with the #SmallChanges pledge to protect the planet. We don’t believe you should become a hermit with a diet made up exclusively of grass and sadness, we believe that you can make small but significant changes to your everyday habits – and make a big difference by doing so.

So, what do #SmallChanges look like?

What #SmallChanges will you make?

Saving the planet is something we all need to be involved in – but it doesn’t mean you have to face a seismic shift in the way you live.

Share your commitment to adopting #SmallChanges that can make a big difference.

Tweet it, Instagram it, send messenger pigeons and smoke signals… However you want to shout about it, make sure you do it loudly!

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